
WC Sign

  • IMG_2856
  • WC İşareti

WC Sign

WC Sign


Metal cut hollow black pictogram.

Hotel directions create the character of a building and give us clues as to what's inside. In other words, even if we don't realize it, these objects, which are mostly produced in two dimensions, affect our decisions.

Typographic qualities are as important as the material quality of a sign. Each typeface has a different feel.

Space design is important for the good development of architectural spaces. The area is a space that needs to be defined, and in the phase from ancient times to the present, space designs that reflect cultures, in which both personal and social relations are intertwined, have been formed. Today, the routing designer combines his unique communication, visual and symbolic languages ​​with a wide variety of practices to reveal the routing design examples seen in the urban and architectural fields.
Designers have started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers they have. This has created a new field, the concept of environmental graphic design.

Routing is the exchange of information that takes place between communication senders and receivers, and communication design plans by what means and how this action should be done. In order to provide better communication between people and places, routing design, environmental graphic design and signage design, which are a new expansion, have emerged.

: Environmental Graphic Design, Guidance, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Signing Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design. Illuminated door number

: Environmental Graphic Design, Guidance, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Signing Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.

: Environmental Graphic Design, Guidance, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Signing Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.