
Urban Kraft Signage

  • Urban Kraft tabela

Urban Kraft Signage

Urban Kraft Signage

Corten Steel signage corten rusty panel rusty orientation rusty signage no light signage

Korten Steel; It gives a rust effect with its natural appearance. Its color changes over time. You can use Corten steel in your spaces with its rusty appearance. It can be processed with Korten Steel Laser. It can be used for engraving signs and letter cuts. Corten Steel is available in 4mm, 6mm and 8mm. Rust does not flow in rain and snow. The original of the material is rusty image.

Hotel directions create the character of a building and give us clues as to what is happening inside. In other words, although we do not notice it, these objects, which are mostly produced in two dimensions, affect our decisions.

The typographic qualities of a sign are as important as the material quality. Each typeface has a different feel.

Cor-Ten Steel Chamber Number, Cor-Ten (It is a certain class of carbon steel. The mentioned Cor-Ten shows the highest level of resistance to weather conditions and external factors. In short, it can be called rusty "or" rusted "steel. The widely known type is Cor-Ten, a specially produced steel metal developed by the American USX Corporation, but known in some areas without dashes such as Corten steel.If exposed to weathering for a few years, it will naturally rust, form a special layer such as rust patina and wear It becomes a special area of ​​interest for artists and designer architects working with steel fabrications in construction.) It consists of letters written by laser cutting on a steel plate.

Cor-Ten Steel (Steel is an alloy consisting of the iron element and the amount of carbon that varies between 0.2% and 2.1%. The carbon amounts in the steel alloy play an active role in the classification of steel. Carbon is generally the alloying agent of iron. Different elements such as magnesium, chromium, vanadium and wolfram can also be used in alloying the iron element.Carbon and other elements act as a hardening agent by preventing the crystal lattices in the iron atom from slipping and crossing each other. phase) controls properties such as hardness, ductility and stress point in the steel formed.Steels with high carbon content are harder and stronger than iron, but less ductile.Alloys with high carbon are known as cast iron due to their low melting points and casting capabilities. small amount of k It is also distinguished as wrought iron, which contains arbon but also includes iron slags. Both distinguishing factors increase the rust-prevention of steels and provide better weldability.)

Indoor Nameplate can be produced in desired sizes in accordance with the concept of the requesting institution.

The general orientation project and emergency exit plans of the urban craftbot, including the Cor-Ten Steel Interior Routing, were completely made by OtimSan.