
Safe Tourism Sign

  • Safe Tourism Tabelası
  • EF84E88F-5E02-46E6-A98B-89FBF156ABF9
  • 40AF28DC-56C2-4CC8-96C2-908C35184E6D
  • DEC0243D-66F2-4D84-8B9A-5AE98E99F50F

Safe Tourism Sign

Safe Tourism Sign

Covid 19 Safe Tourism Sign is produced with metal-looking material-printing technique on rowmark signboard.

If desired, we can produce different products for different concepts for you. The product in the picture is an instruction produced especially for Elite World. I also have different productions in terms of content.

Safe Tourism Sign
The product has been produced by otimsan for various projects.

With a stylish design, we carry out the production stage as Covid 19 instructions for use.

We carry out the production phase with a stylish design of brass or stainless steel. We are carrying out the production phase with a stylish stainless design. We are carrying out the production phase with a stylish stainless design.

Especially designed for hotels, this design can be produced as stainless steel, brass, or brass aged, that is, vintage.

Covid 19 Safe Tourism Sign
If you want the Safe Tourism Sign, we can produce different products for different materials. We also produce Covid 19 instructions for use, especially for hotels.

The new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus first identified on January 13, 2020 as a result of research conducted in a group of patients who developed respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) in Wuhan Province, China, in late December.

It is transmitted by the inhalation of droplets scattered by the sick individuals when they cough and sneeze. The virus can also be taken by taking the hands of the patients to the face, eyes, nose or mouth without washing their hands after touching surfaces contaminated with respiratory particles. It is risky to touch the eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands.

In line with the data obtained, the risk of the virus to cause severe disease is higher in patients with advanced age and concomitant diseases (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease). Based on current data, it is known that the disease has a severe course in 10-15% of the cases and results in death in approximately 2% of the cases.

The basic principles proposed to reduce the overall risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections also apply to the New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). These;

- Hand cleaning should be considered. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and alcohol-based hand antiseptic should be used in the absence of soap and water. There is no need to use antiseptic or antibacterial soap, normal soap is sufficient.

- Avoid contact with mouth, nose and eyes without washing hands.

- Sick people should avoid contact (if possible, be at least 1 m away).

- Hands should be washed frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people or their environment.

- Today, healthy people in our country do not need to use masks. A person with any viral respiratory tract infection should cover his nose and mouth with a disposable tissue during coughing or sneezing, use the inside of the elbow when the tissue is not available, if possible not enter crowded places, if he has to enter, cover his mouth and nose, use a medical mask if possible is recommended.