
QR Code Menu

  • QR Code Menu
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-28 at 11.04.45 PM (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-28 at 11.04.49 PM
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-28 at 11.04.45 PM (2)
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-28 at 11.04.48 PM

QR Code Menu

QR Code Menu

Restaurant Menu & Information Code

You can access the menu determined by the Restaurant/Cafe for you by reading the QR Code Menu from your table.

Thanks to its base, it is suitable for table use. It allows your guests to access the menu easily. Designers have started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers they have. This has created a new field, the concept of environmental graphic design.

This menu board is made of plexi material.

Ideal for bar and restaurant menus. Suitable for using at weddings and parties for frequently changing menus. It is easy to use, menu changing is practical.

With this, we can laser print any logo you need, laser cut and laser engrave, as well as etch and powder coat these menu boards.

Space design is important for the good development of architectural spaces. The area is a space that needs to be defined, and in the phase from ancient times to the present, space designs that reflect cultures, in which both personal and social relations are intertwined, have been formed. Today, the orientation designer has combined his unique communication, visual and symbolic languages ​​with a wide variety of applications and has revealed the examples of orientation design seen in the urban and architectural field.
Designers started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers at their disposal.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Direction Finding Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Direction Finding Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Direction Finding Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.